The Journey

The Journey
Mud Maid

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Satya - the Truth of Life

We wait to be called to the altar of Truth.
Our heart knows the way but our body is often lost on other dimensions.
Follow the path of the heart, for she can never lie. Satya is coming.
Gandhi preached Satya Graha, nonviolence and Truth.
Even when India was free he was sad that it was not more.
He wanted all religions in his country to speak from their heart and see Truth, but they could not.
India was not ready for this Truth, and yet ancient India gave us the path of the sutras of Truth.
Satya is imminent, like a second coming whose wave already washes over our shores.
We wait for a teacher to bring us what we already possess in our heart - the Truth of Life.
Many try so hard to bring heaven down to earth, and at times we succeed.
Perhaps the world cannot be changed, though we always try.
We must always try.
So we wait to be called to the altar of Truth.
The heart rises with the sounding horn of the coming of Satya.
Have courage, children of Light! Never despair.
There is a power that exists within all things, and it is loving and good.
It moves within all life in all worlds and universes.
Science may say that all calculations reduce to zero, but we know it is not nothing - it is Everything!
It is love!
Sound the horn of Satya!
You are the now and the beyond.
You are the one who can tell the world that Satya is near.
You will feel it in your heart, for Satya is the eternal Truth.
Satya is the age of Truth.
Satya is close, a breath away. Listen to your heart.
The Truth of life belongs to all life.
Why ask a guru when you already possess this Truth. Look within.
Satya is coming.
Your questions, your tears, your love - make it so.

"Ascension" by Gilbert Williams

Monday, 20 August 2012

Eternal Feminine Spirit

O woman of the sacred flame
Whose hand blesses the hearth
And protects the soul of all living things,
I welcome you.

O goddess who was honoured
By the ancient Druids
As a carrier of the Light,
I call on you.

O feminine spirit whose eyes
Hold the moonlight and stars,
As they illuminate our world,
I honour you.

Hebridean elders believed that the Divine would come again, not as a son of God, but as a daughter of God.

O goddess who lives within all souls,
I call on you.

Friday, 8 June 2012

The Watcher

Can you find the stillness in this crazy universe?
Everything is moving at high speed
planets spinning
the rush of life continuous.
Even in meditation the heart beats
the blood moves.
Movement is how the drama of life unfolds.
Yet stillness is Its essence
If you can watch the clatter of life
you will see that behind it
is the true Self
in stillness

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Love is the fuel of the universe
beyond duality
beyond attraction
with you always
close to you
as close as your breath
moving with your heartbeat

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Earthchild's Journey

The journey begins in the forest......
  Saving the forest is saving our Soul...
    The beauty of the forest is our beauty...
       Here we find Gaia...
          and her beautiful world...
            Follow the path across the stream...
              over quiet water...
                Walk through her woodlands...
               Bathe in her waters...
             Feel her great body of life...
           The fog lifts...
         The way is clear...
       Spiders are dreaming...
     The tree goddess is dancing...
   Earth spirits watch as...
Nature spirits move through the trees...
                  The journey continues...

Sunday, 22 January 2012


The Soul is stillness.
The Soul is our link with the Source of all that is.
Our world is one of duality where we are constantly balancing the forces of movement;
the consequences of action.
When the Soul speaks, her signature is always the same,
whether in man or woman, she sings the song of Peace.
But stillness sits behind all outer movement.
Find that stillness and you will find Peace.
Find that Peace and your life will grow in Love.
Nothing can touch the pure light of stillness.
Find your way now.....why wait.